For an enriching future.
We’re all facing the challenges of raising productivity to feed a growing global population and increasing the efficiency of our use of our resources. That’s why we’re working on a biostimulant.

your plants


If you want to enhance your crops' productivity and help them resist rapidly-evolving environmental stresses such as drought, then Biostimulant of AgroSustain is the perfect product for you and your crop.

Where we stand

The biostimulant of AgroSustain is currently undergoing a certification process in Switzerland, selected EU and Latin American countries for, e.g., grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, bananas and melons.


Increase in yield
up to 30%


Reduces the levels
of stress hormones
by 5 fold


Increases grape yield
by up to 37% 
under drought stress

  • Coated / Uncoated

  • Coated / Uncoated

  • Coated / Uncoated

Together we achieve environmental impact

Ready for a change?

If you’d like to know more about our biostimulant and its impact on crop productivity or the current certification status contact us.