We help keep your fruits, vegetables and flowers fresh longer with our natural and organic pre- and post-harvest solutions for sustainable production and distribution. From grower to consumer.

Discover the power
of natural coating

Long live fresh sweetness!

Convince yourself of the advantages of our AgroSFruits product, which works on a broad range of local and exotic crops.

Long live
fresh beauty!

See and sense just what our AgroSFlowers can do for all your floral products.

Long live
fresh healthy!

Explore all the benefits of our promising new AgroSVegetables product.

Supply chain
from (pre-harvesting) grower to consumer

Application points
Your options for AgroSustain products

Open to new things
for a better future?

Reduction of food waste

Replacement of plastic

Reduction of pesticides

Reduction of post-harvest treatments

Better crop quality

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Our six-pack
of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Today, we are implementing
the vision


This project has received funding from:
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 967357
Eurostars programme under Grant Agreement No. 3935

Developed in Switzerland